Thursday, November 2, 2017

Everyone Can Love Their Neighbor

When you think about the great commandment you probably think of this: 
 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”
 But does Jesus mean even when you are under resourced?  Mission Southside can be found in 20 under resourced apartment communities around Johnson County.  When we go in, it is not with the mindset that we will do everything for that community and enable them.  It is with the mindset that we are loving our neighbors in community WITH one another.  It is not an US and a THEM, it is a WE.
At one local apartment complex, a resident named Pilar, delivers welcome baskets to new residents.  She creates them with items from Mission Southside and some items donated by the site team.  This has become her little ministry.  She welcomes people to the apartment community, she invites kids to Homework Huddle and moms to bible study.  She finds out is people have very little or are perhaps sleeping on the floor and she contacts Mission Southside to perhaps get a bed for kids sleeping on the floor.
At another complex a gentleman who has lived there for 8 years has started a Food Co-op Ministry.  He retrieves the food that is sorted at Mission Southside on Fridays and delivers it to his apartment complex.  He knows when his neighbors have been in the hospital, he knows the neighbors who perhaps have recently lost a job.  He also knows the single moms who struggle every month to keep food on the table for their kids.  He works at McDonalds, but happens to be off on Friday.  This gentleman walks a little bit taller and is doing his part.  He even has a Mission Southside t-shirt. 
We can all love our neighbors.  We all have something to give.  It may be our time, it may be our talent and it may even be our money.  But all of these things can help to raise up leaders right in the communities we are serving, and empower them to bring what they have to give. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A Homeless Man’s View of Mission Southside

A Homeless Man’s View of Mission Southside
Last night, during Sports Night, I met a man named Robert.  Robert Showed up on his bike and was watching us shoot some hoops from afar.  We invited him to play.  He was obviously athletic, even in his flip flops and he started rebounding the balls for the kids.  Robert “appeared” homeless. 
After about 30 minutes of hoops, we began chatting a lot more.  He told me he has been watching what we do and he thinks it is really important.  I asked him why?  He said he used to be homeless and lived behind the Ministry Center.  He saw several of these kids on a regular basis.  He said the most important thing we could do is pour into these kids so they don’t end up like him.  He grew up in KCK on Troost, got into drugs, and lost everything.
He told me he had been trying to help the homeless who live there.  He knew Danielle’s new friend Amber.  He knew Colin, the guy I saw shoplift at Price Chopper and we would see several times a day heading down the tracks, but hadn’t seen for a while.  He knew everything about them.  He was very concerned about Amber’s whereabouts.  He said that Colin is in Jail until at least August, and he is really on drugs.  He is hoping he can get clean during his stay in Jail.
He told me that he has been working with a husband and wife who owned Olathe Ford(?)  He said there is not an answer for homelessness in Olathe.  The City isn’t doing anything.  The Church isn’t doing anything.  If you are a woman with kids you may be able to find someplace and some help, but if you are a man there is nothing.  That is why he is really trying to work with these people and figure out an answer.  He said that there is no one living back in the woods right now.  They all moved over behind the Wal-Mart on K-7.
He went on to tell how he lost everything because of drugs.  He said he hasn’t talked to his kids in a really long time.  He was reminiscing about when he coached his son’s baseball team and they won the championship.  He loves sports.
He told me he lives at Harrison Square Apartments, where we have a site team.  He said he is just getting back on his feet.  I asked if he needed anything and he said his apartment is all furnished.  He kept bringing it back around to the kids and that we need to pour resources and time and relationship into the kids.  He said that sometimes he struggles with having food, but he has a job at the granite company, he has his bike, and a roof over his head. 
At the end of our convo, he told me that he is really not a church person. When I asked why, he said that he grew up Catholic.  He tried a couple of churches, including one in Spring Hill, and he just didn’t feel welcome.  He said he sees us doing our “church thing” at Harrison Square, but he really doesn’t come out because he isn’t a church person.  He said it took him two months to even come talk to us, because he wanted to see what it was all about.  I told him he would be welcome to come out for sure. 
This guy has a testimony in the works.  He referred to faith, and hope, and used a lot of words that definitely have a spiritual flavor.  He just doesn’t know who God is, and honestly I am sure no one has ever offered to help him figure it out.  I invited him back on Tuesdays.  Told him he could get a hot meal, hang out and just talk. 
We never know who is watching.  And more than ever, I believe our actions and love for others is the greatest testimony of Jesus, especially in the lives of someone who is far away from Him or has never heard of him.   “Dear Children…let us not love with words and speech, but with actions and truth” 1 John 3:18  Who knows what could happen in this guy’s life especially when he is already fulfilling the second part of the Great Commandment…..Loving his Neighbor.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

stew·ard2   manage or look after.
Sometimes I dread the annual "stewardship" sermon at church.  My heart starts to pound.  I wonder if the pastor is talking directly to me.  I question whether my weekly tithe is enough?  I wonder, am I truly honoring God with the amount I am giving?
Today I looked up the definition of what the verb steward really means.  To Manage or look after.

Money is always a controversial conversation.  How much do we need to survive?  How much should we save?  How much should we donate? 

Yesterday I witnessed the most amazing act.  A friend of mine, of the advanced age of 13 years, came to our local homework huddle at a local apartment complex with his brother.  This is a servant hearted kid who has participated in our Backyard Bible Clubs for the last 4 years, he was part of our Leaders in Training Program, and has applied again this year.  This young man went out for track at his local middle school this year with encouragement and some of the supplies like shorts, t-shirts and running shoes provided by some generous donors. 

What you don't see on the outside is that his rent is 1 1/2 months past due.  His electricity was turned off about an hour before he arrived at homework huddle because his mom didn't have the money to pay it.  What you don't see from the outside is that his refrigerator is pretty bare most of the time and there is always food insecurity. 

As we were wrapping up homework huddle he asked if he and his brother could run across the street to the Quik Trip and grab something to eat.  His mom had given him $10, in between working all day and coming home for an hour and going to work a temp job overnight.  My 13 year old friend headed off with his brother.  When he got back he asked if I had ever seen or helped a homeless person?  I told him that yes I had.  He proceeded to tell me that on the way over to the QT, he and his brother passed a homeless man and his dog hiding behind the dumpster.  He headed into the QT and he and his brother each bought a hotdog, and he decided not to get drinks because he wanted to get a couple hot dogs for the homeless man.

Here is a 13 year old boy, going home to no lights, no electronics, no mom.  Here is a 13 year old boy with only $10 to his name, and he passes the man on the side of the road, the man behind the dumpster and thought, "well, I have a home, and a little bit of food at my house, and $10 in my pocket I can take a shower and I have clothes" I'm doing pretty well.

This young man was "stewarding" the homeless man.  He was looking after him. 

Luke 3:11

And he would answer and say to them, “The man who has two tunics is to share with him who has none; and he who has food is to do likewise.” 

After I took these two young men home to a dark, lonely apartment I thought to myself, " why do I have a hard time with stewardship?  Why do I hesitate to give $100 to someone or a ministry who needs it?  Is it because I think my $100 is not going to amount to a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things?  Is it because I am hording my money for a "rainy day"?  Here is a kid who doesn't know where his next meal is coming from, whether they will have to move next week or whether he will go home to a dark apartment, but HE realized a guy was worse off than him?  He has the faith of a mustard seed.  He loves Jesus and puts all his faith in HIM.  He knows God will provide for them, and he knows exactly what Jesus commands us to do, to LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS. 

Mark 12:30-31

 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

Am I encouraging you to be careless with what God has given you?  NO.  But, what if we lived not only believing in Jesus, but participating in what HE commands us to do?  What if we had the faith of my 13 year old friend who sees need and rises up to meet it even when he literally has nothing, at least in my eyes.  I can only imagine that in God's eyes, my little friend has everything.  He has faith and is truly loving his neighbor.

Would you like to know how you can get involved in helping your neighbors right here in the community we live in?  Mission Southside is the perfect place.

1.  Become a monthly giver

2.  Give a one-time gift (literally one time or maybe annually)

3.  In two weeks we will host our first Women's Giving Group.  This is an opportunity for dozens of women to come together with their $100 and combine their resources to fund two programs our Leaders in Training Program which this young man above participated in last year and focused on Faith, Character and Life Skills, and our new Sports Ministry Program, which will empower kids to learn basketball, soccer and volleyball skills and focus on Character. 

Would you join us on June 1st with your $100?  Would you join me and several other women and step out in faith to see what God will do with your resources?  Would you be willing to steward several kids in our community and give them opportunities they only dream about?

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Sports....a Real Privilege for the Underprivileged

 Sports.....a Real Privilege for the Underprivileged
My kids have been playing soccer, baseball, basketball, volleyball, and running cross country and track from a very early age.  I have spent approximately 100, 000 hours at ball fields, courts, courses and tracks.   Ok, that may not be accurate, but you get the picture. I hate to even guess how much we have spent on camps, gear, teams and physicals. We do what we do for our kids.  We love to go cheer them on.  We love to see them succeed. 

But what happens when you grow up in a home where sometimes your parents struggle to even pay rent?  What happens when you can't afford all of the gear and the fees?  What happens when your family is uninsured and can't afford to pay out of pocket to get a sports physical for something that, let's be honest, isn't a necessity, like say, FOOD?   

This is Jose'.  I have known him for two years.  He was in the running club at his elementary school.  I knew he could run. He had some really supportive teachers who encouraged him to run.  As he entered his middle school this year, probably the lowest socio-economic middle school in Olathe, he was filled with fear of the unknown details of middle school and hope for some exciting opportunities that awaited him.  We were talking that first week of school about how he really wanted to go out for Cross Country.  His mom is raising him, his 4 sisters and his cousin.  They are uninsured.  He needed good running shoes.  He needed a physical.  Both of these things were not in the budget. These things become obstacles that most kids can't conquer.  At this middle school there is not as much participation in sports.  Sometimes there aren't even enough kids to make a "B" team, while other schools are cutting kids from teams.  A very generous Chiropractor in town, Dr. Sandra Liperoute, with Fulk Chiropractic, offered to help him with his physical.  We found a donor for the shoes.  Jose was in the top 3 at all of the cross country races.  He continued running through the year and joined the track team this Spring.  He can finish an 800 meter race at least 100 meters ahead of everyone.  Now for most of us, if we had a kiddo who could not only run, but BLOW THE COMPETITION AWAY, we might perhaps pursue a track club, or some better training.  This is not an option for Jose.  Hebrews 12:1 1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  So many kids need sports as an outlet to escape, if just for a little bit, the reality that is their life. 

Volleyball.....for most of us the first time we probably picked up a ball was when we went to middle school.  Times have changed, and unfortunately for these girls, that is probably the case, too.  But what about your daughters?  Have they been playing multiple sessions since they were in 3rd or 4th grade?  This year a very dear friend of mine, went to her daughter's Zoom Volleyball Club, and approached them about doing a clinic for these 6 girls.  This would at least give them an idea of what it would look like before try-outs the next week.  They got to spend the day learning from professional coaches, they were treated to lunch and they even walked away with their own gear.  I am forever indebted to my friend, Debbie, for organizing this great confidence boosting opportunity.  Again, my very generous doctor friend performed their physicals for free.  I was a nervous wreck the week of try-outs.  Would these girls have what it took to make the team?  Would they experience their first big middle school disappointment of not being good enough to make the team?  The coaches at the clinic gave them some super important advice.  "Go out there and be a team player, and be as enthusiastic as possible."  Well, that did the job!  They found themselves playing on the B team at their middle school. 
This young man you have probably met before.  This is Carlos.  Carlos is a honestly a part of my family.  One day I was picking him up at track, my daughter is his age and they go to the same school.  Carlos got in the car and I realized that he was wearing some flat, skater shoes, the Wal-Mart variety.  I asked him if he was really running in those shoes?  He went on to tell me that they couldn't afford running shoes.  A generous friend who had met Carlos on the Lunch Bus the week prior, had just given me some money to tuck away for something Carlos would need in the future.  This was just the thing.  On Sunday after church, Carolyn, my 7th grader, and I headed over to pick Carlos up because we were going shoe shopping.  When we arrived at Dick's Sporting Goods, we headed back to the shoes.  Carlos was very gracious about not wanting to spend too much.  I told him it was all covered.  He picked up a pair of shoes, and said, " I will just take these.  Where is the other shoe?"  You see, he thought you just picked your shoes off the shelf and head to the check out.  Carlos had never tried shoes on in the store.  He had never been fitted for shoes.  In fact, when I asked what size shoe he wore, he said, " I don't really know.  I just wear what we can find.  Sometimes it is an 8, or a 9 or a 10.  We dropped Carlos off at home, and I proceeded home with Carolyn.  She kept thanking me for her shoes.  She realized that day, just how fortunate she was. 
If I haven't lost you yet, here is one more sweet story.  Living Hope Church has a soccer program called BRIDGES.  Bridges is an intra-mural kid's program.  We approached the pastors there about possibly allowing scholarships for a few kids this session.  9 kids accepted the opportunity.  They had to go to a skills assessment session and were allowed to participate at 1/2 the normal rate, $40.  Their parents were so excited, and I can't even describe the excitement of the kids!  One family of two, really didn't have it in their budget to even pay the $40. When I approached Bridges, they were willing to let her pay $40 total.  Unfortunately due to some extreme hardships, that was even a stretch.  Mission Southside ended up paying the $40 for her girls to participate.  Last week, mom showed up at the Mission with $40 in hand.  She wanted to repay the Mission and was so extremely grateful for this opportunity for her girls.  The mom of the two boys above, showed up to her ESL class two weeks ago after one of their first games.  With tears streaming down her cheeks, she could barely speak about how much this meant to her kids.  They have never played on an organized sports team.  They were learning a lot and they just loved their new uniforms.  The challenge of this amazing opportunity is always the gear.  Practice shirts, shorts to go with their uniforms, shin guards, socks, cleats......Due to the generosity of many donors to Mission Southside, we were able to find the sizes for each kiddo.  God is GOOD! 

Okay, Amy, where are you going with this, you might be asking?  What is your ASK?  If you know me, my heart has ached for all of our little friends to have the opportunity to learn sports and skills that will give them confidence to participate in sports and other activities when they get to middle school.  Sometimes the world is just so inequitable.  With the acquisition of our ministry center we have an amazing opportunity to use the outdoor space for some skills training, pick up games, and confidence building for our little friends. 

How can you help???
One basketball goal has already been generously donated, but we would love to have a second one so that we can more effectively play and coach the kids. The cost of that sturdy outdoor goal is about $1200. 
We have some volleyballs donated, but are still in need of a good, sturdy net and poles. 
We have a soccer court and goals donated, but could really use some soccer balls.

But, what would it look like if every Tuesday night from 7-8:30 we had people who care and have a passion for soccer, volleyball or basketball, volunteer their time?  Maybe once a month, maybe every other week, maybe every week?  Do you have the love for the least of these and the knowledge and skills to help some of these kiddos start learning these sports that can help build confidence in their lives? 
Please pray about this.  Think about how you could impact the life of one of the kids we serve, our neighbors.  Romans 12:6-8 In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.  Please contact me if you are interested in helping or contributing to anything above.  Most importantly, please pray for this dream of mine and more opportunities for these kids.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

God's Servants Come From Many Backgrounds

Tonight as I think about this week, I am reflecting on this verse, the Golden Rule:  

Matthew 7:12

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you,for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

This week we served over 600 lunches to many hungry kids and even some moms through our Spring Break Lunch Bus.  We traveled through snow, wind, rain and sun.  We experienced everything under the sun, literally.  

I want to tell you about the little guy in the middle.  I've known him since he was in 4th grade, he is now in 7th.  I met him at the apartment my family serves at.  He was the first kid I gave my cell phone to, which was pretty important when he and his family found themselves homeless.  He was known to deliver extra food to neighbors in his apartment complex.  He was known to call me in the summer and let me know of kids who were hungry, and when I would show up with backsnacks, he knew just the doors to deliver them to.  He recently got a community garden started at his Middle School "because there was a time when his family couldn't afford fresh vegetables and fruit, and he knows other kids who will appreciate them and need them."

This week Carlos showed up every day at Mission Southside at 9:00 a.m. and even earlier one day, to help with the Lunch Bus.  He pitched in just as much, if not more than other volunteers.  He helped cook, load the bus, chop tomatoes and onions.  He helped load the bus and unload the bus.  He came up with the idea on the 3 VERY cold days, to deliver the meals to the doors so that people wouldn't have to get outside in the weather and he stayed until every last dish was cleaned up.  As long as I have known Carlos, he has had a true neighbor's heart.  

By the end of this week, Carlos had volunteered an estimated 30+ hours loving his neighbors. 

Yesterday the day culminated at HIS apartment.  He was in his element.  When the day ended, I gave him a souvenir Mission Southside waterbottle and a thank you note with a $30 gift card to Wal-Mart. The intent of the gift card was for Carlos to buy something for himself.  Maybe some much needed clothing or something fun.  But, really, it was the least we could do for all of his help this week.  

When he got home he sent me this message, " Thanks a lot for your part of my life, Amy, and for Mission Southside.  Thanks for the gift.  Love you".

Then he proceeded to ask if we had any extra snack bags, because he knows of an apartment that is "poorer" than his and he knows the hungry kids who live there.  He wanted to deliver them to these kids.  As I have learned over the last 4 years, Carlos ALWAYS looks out for others before himself.

Later that night, he messaged me another thank you.  "Amy, can I tell you something?  Thanks for the $30 dollars.  We emergency need groceries, so thanks.  That will last us about 3 days."  At first I was super disappointed.  I wanted that to be for HIM.  Not for others, not for groceries.  Hours later, I received another text....

"What a disappointment!  We went to go to Walmart to get laundry detergent and groceries, and the gift card must have fallen out of my pocket in the parking lot.  We looked for 30 minutes and couldn't find it, so we went home.  I really needed it to buy food, like our groceries are low.  Mom is using all our money to pay the bills.  Never mind, have a great day."  

As today went on, Carlos messaged me several times, telling me how they are struggling, again.  This isn't the first time.  It is up and down and this young man finds himself in adult situations of worrying about where their next meal will come from, and how rent will get paid. 

I promised Carlos there would be food on his doorstep tomorrow morning when he wakes up.  He told me, " You're always there for me and you will always be my family and my friend".  

So, today when you are eating breakfast, or lunch or dinner or grabbing that snack out of your pantry, please take a minute to pray for this little guy and his mom and his brother and sister.  Pray that their needs will be met.  That this 7th grade boy can actually be just that, a boy.  Care free, young, and not worried about where his next meal will come from.  And marvel at how Carlos, a boy with VERY VERY little, will do unto others, just hoping and praying when he needs it, someone will do unto him.

Friday, January 6, 2017

God Wants a Relationship With Everyone
Last week is a blur.  Knee deep in the Christmas Store preparations for the 16 site teams we have relationship at and several schools and other various agencies.  With questions like "do we have enough teen gifts for people to shop for", "what happens if we get the snow they are expecting", "do we have enough volunteers", etc. 

Friday,  with the event planning in full swing, I received a frantic call from a woman we have come to know through one of our apartment site teams. I will call her J.  Her cousin actually lives at this apartment, and she visited her a lot. When we met J she and her husband seemed very hesitant about what we were "up to".  It was evident there was little trust.  The cousin, who was the resident, attends our bible study and had become friends with the residents and us.

Over the course of several months, J and her daughter began to trust us and form a relationship with us.   She would come to the apartment every week for homework huddle.  J's cousin brought her to the mission to get some much needed items for her home.

J's call that Friday could not have been at a worse time.  I was all wrapped up in the details of one of our biggest events of the year, and she was asking if I could take her to the bus station.  You see, she had been abused by her husband.  She finally had the courage to escape from him THAT DAY, of all days, and wanted my help. 

He was at work.  She knew when the bus departed from Lawrence which wasn't until later that afternoon, but she needed to leave with her 5 year old and her 9 month old immediately to avoid being there when he returned home.

She had been calling SAFE HOME here in the area every day, several times a day to see if they had an opening in their shelter.  They were full.  At this point, she just needed to go back home.

Because I was completely swamped, I reached out to my friend, Erika.  She graciously agreed to take her to Lawrence that afternoon in the snow storm that had begun.  When they got there, the tickets were completely sold out.  What was this poor, scared young mom to do?  The next bus didn't leave for several days to the area she was wanting to travel to.

I told Erika we could put her and the girls in a motel until that point, but on the way home from Lawrence, Erika's heart just listened to J and to God.  She wanted J and her girls to come stay with Erika and her family. 

Erika brought them home for several days.  She provided support, prayer, and love to J and her girls.  She went above and beyond to the stranger on the side of the road.

We purchased a bus ticket to her home town.  SAFE HOME in her home town had an opening and were willing to hold the room until she arrived. 

During the course of this little detour of time I truly believe J got to see God in her life through Erika and her family.  She was the furthest thing from a believer in God.  She has suffered abuse for some time now.  How could a God of love allow her to go through all that she had gone through.

After purchasing the bus ticket we realized that it was a 3 day trip including an overnight in Joplin and Amarillo.  How could she manage financially and physically to find places to stay in those two strange cities.  Many people Erika and I reached out to were willing to show J hospitality.  We found a couple in Joplin who picked she and the girls up and let them stay the evening in their home and returned them to the bus station the next day.  But the greatest of these was through a friend Erika got in contact with a woman from a Pregnancy Crisis Center in Amarillo.  After some time on the phone, This woman, a friend of a friend, a Christian woman, agreed to pick J up at the bus stop in Amarillo, buy her any supplies she needed, let her stay at their shelter, and even ship items from Wal-mart to her at her destination.  You see, not only was J traveling with her two young girls, she was pregnant. 

Once J arrived at her destination, she was retrieved by SAFE HOME safely. 

During the course of this journey, J would text me.  When she arrived in Joplin it was, " Hi Amy, I made it to Joplin and the man was very nice to me and the girls.  Thank you again, I will keep you updated.  It was a blessing meeting you.  I will never forget you."

Then during the next day's trip she sends this text. "Thank you so much for everything.  I believe God sent you and Erika into my life.  He really does work in mysterious ways and he is a good God"

When she made it to her next stop, she texted again saying she made it.  I said, "Praise God.  You are almost home".  She commented, " Yes!  Praying is what God wanted me to do this whole time and rely on HIM". 

Erika and I take turns checking in with this woman.  Sending her encouragement.  Sending her scripture.  Just remaining in relationship with her.  We truly desire to see God do an amazing work in her life.  J was always humbled and amazed at how everything fell into place.  How HOPE and HELP are possible when you turn to God.  Sometimes when we ask for help, God gives us hope; not because its different, but because it's the same. 

So that blizzardy day when I was wrapped up in the STUFF, the EVENTS, the REAL thing that God wanted me to focus on was loving my neighbor.  I am blessed beyond belief at how He knows what we need and how he put Erika in the middle of this whole experience.  That early morning at 5:30 a.m. when I left them at the bus stop, I needed to rely on God just as much as J had learned to over the last week.  This was someone I had grown to love.  This picture above drawn weeks before this whole experience by her sweet sweet 5 year old, will forever hold a place in my heart.